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Sha la la birthday invite (00:30)


Personalised Video Birthday Invitation by email or whatsapp
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Duration : 30 seconds
Resolution : HD (1280×720)
Photos/Videos required : 6
Video delivered within 48 hours
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  • You can customize and BUY the video now or you can choose to TRY it first and pay later, i.e. only after you're convinced!


Send an Invitation as fun as the occasion. Add your best photos and event details to create this cute and vibrant Sha-la-la-Birthday Invite. Whether you send the video as a save-the-date message or a reminder, your guests will surely remember your thoughtfulness.

How Do I Personalise The Wedeo(video)?
To personalise the video, simply type in the names and event specifics into the text boxes. To add photos simply upload them by clicking Select Files.


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